Concerned about your income security in retirement? Give us a call.

IAM Multi-Employer Pension Plan

304-116 Lisgar St, Ottawa, ON, Canada K2P 0C2



Copyright © IAM Multi-Employer Pension Plan 

Contact US


Company info

Plan de Pension Multi-Employeur de l'AIM

AAS Core Services joined our plan on May 1st, 2021

AAS Canada PRM Division joined our plan on September 1st, 2022

IAM multi-employer pension plan welcomes Canadian Nuclear Laboratories on January 1st, 2017

Toronto Baggage Handling Services joins our plan on  November 1st, 2018

Keep us informed of any change in contact information or address changes.

Welcome to L3 MAS Mirabel on September 22nd, 2016

The IAM multi-employer pension plan (MEPP registered July 23rd 2013) is run by labour and management trustees that give IAM MEPP locals a low-cost alternative to a single-employer defined benefit plan or an RRSP. The IAM Plan provide a defined benefit pension based on negotiated contribution rates.

Planning for the future

2023 Annual statements will be sent to members by June 30th, 2024


  • Provide employee forms
  • Process Employer Remittances
  • Record employee pension credit
  • Application processing
  • Pension Estimates
  • Pension Payments
  • Year end statements


WElcome to the m.e.p.p.

About us

We'll help you make the right choice when the time comes. Just call our office during office hours (8am-4pm) +1.888.354.5444.

Once you've selected a pension type and payment form we'll diligently activate your account.

A form is available under the documentation tab to register your beneficiaries.

Click above and retrieve an enrollment form in the documentation tab. Fill it out and submit it by mail or to



